Pat Henry Families: Due to a city main water line break in the neighborhood, we currently do not have water. Please know that we will have staff on-site to receive students, but if you choose to keep your student at home today it will be considered a virtual day. Please contact the school to let them know starting at 8 am. We do not have an ETA on the repair at this time, but will update you once it is back on.
over 2 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Pat Henry students and staff are truly thankful to the LPS Foundation for providing our teachers with 7 grants that will allow our students the opportunity to learn in new and creative ways. #LPSFoundation #oklaed #PatHenryJags #lawtonps
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Seely & Justice
Congratulations to the winners of an LPSF grant! Our Pat Henry students and teachers are truly thankful! Brenda Richards Ivey Leslie Brennan Robin Harris Terri Mitchell Adrian Seely Maris Palmer Stacy Fremin Justice #LPSFoundation #oklaed #PatHenryJags lawtonps
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Pat Henry Families, Monday, Oct.28th is the beginning of our Red Ribbon Week. Wear red on Monday! #redribbonweek #justsayno #lawtonps #PatHenryJags
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Red Ribbon Week
Pat Henry families please join us for Trunk or Treat!
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Check this out!
We were lucky enough to take 58 of our Pat Henry students to see this wonderful author Jonathan Auxier. His presentation tonight was so awesome, so moving, so funny,so inspirational! #readingrocks #JonathanAuxier #lawtonps #Sweep #BrownBrothers
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Jonathan Auxier
Read, read, read to your children if you want them to be successful! #readingmakesyousmart #readingrocks lawtonps #PatHenry
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Pat Henry is in need of about 20 clear or mesh backpacks to give away to students at our BACK TO SCHOOL BASH. If you would be willing to donate, please let me know! Thank you! Jennifer Tadlock 580-355-2617 #backtoschool #PatHenry
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Clear backpacks
REMINDER: The Lawton High School Soccer Team will host a one-day soccer camp from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Aug. 3, at the Wolverines' practice field. The camp is offered for athletes 4-12 years old and is only $25.Don't miss this opportunity and get signed up! #WeAreLPS #HantaYo #LawtonPS #LHSSoccer #SummerCamp #DayCamp #Wolverine Link:
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss this week at Pat Henry! Fox in Socks. Wear your crazy socks ! #readacrossamerica #lawtonps #jags #librariesrock
almost 6 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Crazy socks